BISP Tehsil Office List Sindh 2025 with Contact Number

The government has established BISP Tehsil Offices in various districts of every province in Pakistan. Here you’ll find an updated BISP Tehsil Office list Sindh with their contact numbers.

BISP offices make it easy for the eligible families as well as registered beneficiaries to receive the required services. They don’t have to travel long distances as they can simply visit their nearby office.

BISP Tehsil Office List Sindh - BISP Office Near Me

BISP Tehsil Offices List Sindh 2025

Are you searching for “BISP office near me” on Google? If yes, here’s the list of all the BISP offices in Sindh with contact numbers.

We have divided the list into different divisions so that you can easily find the BISP office nearest to your home.

BISP Tehsil Office List Karachi

Tehsil NameAddressPhone No
BaldiaKMC Office, near 24 market , Baldiya021-32552233
Bin QasimTaluka Municipal Office, new Karachi21-34116863
GadapGround Floor of House No. A-064,
Sector-Z, Sub Sector-II, Gulshan-e-Maymar, KDA Scheme No. 45, Karachi’
GulbergHouse No. D-8, Scheme No. 33, Sector 22, Gulnab Housing Society, Gulistan-e-Jauhar Karachi021-34961010
Gulshan-e-IqbalHouse No. D-8, Scheme No. 33, Sector 22, Gulnab Housing Society, Gulistan-e-Jauhar Karachi021-34961010
Jamshed TownHouse No. D-8, Scheme No. 33, Sector 22, Gulnab Housing Society, Gulistan-e-Jauhar Karachi021-34961010
KorangiHouse No. 188, Block-D, Bhitai Colony Korangi Crossing Karachi021-32642328
LandhiHouse No. 188, Block-D, Bhittai Colony
Korangi Crossing Karachi
LiaqatabadUC- 09, Liaquatabad town Behind Annu
Bhai Park, Karachi: 0300-9254181
LyariRoom no. 02, 2nd floor, Lyari Zonal
building, Khaliq Juma Road, Mian
Chakiwara, Lyari
Malir / AirportHouse no. 97/216, 1st Floor, Darakshan Housing Society Malir kala board021-34116863
Mauripur /KemariKotwal School Building, opposite Dow
Medical College, M.A Jinnah Road,
Saddar Karachi
New KarachiTaluka municipal Office, new Karachi021-36979988
North NazimabadUC- 09, Liaquatabad town Behind Annu Bhai Park, Karachi021-36684420
OrangiAl Razi Dispensary, Orangi No. 10021-32552233
SaddarRoom no. 02, 2nd floor, Lyari Zonal
building, Khaliq Juma Road, Mian
Chakiwara, Lyari
Shah FaisalHouse no. 97/216, 1st Floor, Darakshan
Housing Society Malir kala board
BISP Tehsil Office List Karachi 2025

BISP Tehsil Office List Hyderabad

BadinHouse near NBP Tando Bago Stop adin029-7862144
KotriHouse No. 23, Block A, Malik Town, Kotri District, Jamshoro022-3874360
LatifabadHouse No. C-6, situated in Industries Cooperative Housing Society near Poly-Technical College, Qasimabad022-3886202
QasimabadHouse No. A-23, Ground Floor, Bahria
College Gulistan-e-Sajjad Hyderabad
TalharHouse near NBP Tando Bago stop badin—
Tando AllahyarDistrict Office Social Welfare, Jung shahi road, Makli Thatta022-3891454
Tehsil office Hyderabad (Rural)House No. C-6, situated in Industries
Cooperative Housing Society near Poly-Technical College, Qasimabad
Tehsil office MatiariHouse No. 165, Ali Sher Colony, Matiari022-2760055
SaeedabadHouse No. C-53, Shah Faisal Nolony Near Bypass road, District Saeedabad022-2767396
SehwanHouse at kehar colony , Tehsil Sehwan
Sharif District Jamshoro
SujawalDistrict Office Social Welfare, Jung Shahi Road, Makli Thatta0298-510142
T.M. KhanHaji Khan Talpur Town, Near Khushali
Bank Hyderabad to Badin Road, Tando Muhammad Khan
ThattaDistrict office social welfare, Jung shahi road, Makli Thatta029-8770142
Mirpur SakroHouse No. 142-B, Gharibabad Muhalla Gharo, Mirpur Sakro District, Thatta029-8760142
BISP Tehsil Office Hyderabad 2025

BISP Tehsil Office List Sukkur

Faiz Ganj‘Arian Mohallah Bhango Behan Road,
Near Taluka Hospital, Faiz Ganj, Deh
Pakka Chang
GambatH.No. 193, shaikh muhalla , kissan
colony Gambat. 0334-3635266
Taluka Municipal Office Govt RoomH.No. 190 Near Mehran High School, Deh Sonan Town/ Muslim colony Near Mehran School Ubauro0243-680213
KingriKingri Complex Cricket Ground, Kingri0243-611039
NaraSazda near GPO Building Taluka Municipal Office, Government Room—
New SukkurTaimeer New High School, Sukkur071-5692396
Pano AqilHouse No: 01, Sadhuja Bypass Pano Aqil—
Saleh PatGovernment Higher Secondary School, Union Council Salehpat—
GhotkiH.No. 190 near Mehran High School, Deh Sonan Town/ Muslim Colony near Mehran School Ubauro0723-680082
Old SukkurTaimeer New High School, Sukkur071-5692396
RohriQazi House, Near Civil Court, Main Road Rohri’071-5660241
Thari MirwahHouse no. 896, situated Opposite Civil Court, Near Service station, Thari Mirwah0243-780124
UbauroH.No. 190 near Mehran High School, Deh
Sonan town/Muslim colony near Mehran
School Ubauro
BISP Tehsil Office List Sukkur 2025

BISP Regional Office List Sindh 2025

    Mr. Abdur Rahim Shaikh    Director General Sindh021-99333067 Fax 021- 99333057Regional Office BISP House No B-39, Block -11, Near AGPR NIPA, Gulshan-e- Iqbal, Karachi    [email protected]
    Mr. Tahir Nawaz    Director HQ    021-99333079Regional Office BISP House No B-39, Block -11, Near AGPR NIPA, Gulshan-e- Iqbal, Karachi    [email protected]
      Mr.Zulfiqar Ali Abro      Divisional Director Lyari  021-99251512, 021- 99251513(Fax)Plot No. ST-21, Sindh Govt. Circuit House No. 2(Old Balochistan House), Clifton Block-II, Near Dr. Ziauddin Hospital, Karachi      [email protected]
    Mr. Riaz-ul-Hassan  Divisional Director Karachi    021-34961010-12House No D-8, Gulnab Housing Society, Behind Samama Shopping centre Gulistan e Johar Karachi    [email protected]
  Mr.Altaf Ahmed MemonDivisional Director Hyderabad  022-2117113Bunglow No. A-23 behind Bahria College Gulistan-e- Sajjad, Hyderabad  [email protected]
  Mr. Azhar Khalique SharDivisional Director Mirpur Khas  0233-9290394House No: B-59 Deh 108 Ali Town, Main Hyderabad Road Mirpurkhas  [email protected]
  Mr. Jameel Ahmed ShaikhDivisional Director Sukkur071-9310033 071- 9310884(Fax)Bungalow # 64 Yousef Masjed near Punjab College Shikarpur road Sukkur  [email protected]
    Mr. Ali Akbar Abro  Divisional Director Larkana    074-4756077House No 107, 60 Feet Street , Near Khohra Sports Complex, Sachal Colony Larkana    [email protected]
  Mr. Rafiq Ahmed (Lookafter Charge)  Divisional Director Sh Benazir Abad0244-9370360, 0244- 9370360(Fax)House no 53-54, Sarfaraz Shah Colony near Excise and Taxation Office Nawabshah Shaheed Benazirabad    [email protected]
BISP Regional Office List Sindh 2025

Important BISP Programs

Benazir Income Support Program is a financial aid program run by the government of Pakistan. It is designed for low income families in all provinces of the country. It runs the following sub-programs:

You can go to BISP tehsil office to find out details about all these programs and register yourself if you are eligible.

How to Register for BISP at Tehsil Office Sindh

When you find the location of your nearby office, here is how you can register yourself and your family members:

  • Bring all necessary documents to the office, including your CNIC card and B-form of children.
  • Get guidance from the BISP office staff to fill out the registration form.
  • Perform biometric verification with the assistance of the BISP office staff.
  • You will be given a receipt after you submit the form. Keep the receipt safe for future reference.
  • Wait for the approval of your application. You will receive a call from the BISP office once the process is complete.

Services Offered at BISP Tehsil Office Sindh

People of Sindh can go to their nearest BISP office to avail the following services:

  • Get details about different BISP programs.
  • Check your eligibility to register for BISP and other sub-programs.
  • Register yourself or your family members for Benazir Income Support Program as well as other sub-programs, such as Benazir Kafalat Program or the Taleemi Wazaif program.
  • Check your payment status if you are already a registered member.
  • Receive your due stipend in cash form by performing biometric verification.
  • Lodge a complaint for issues like delayed payments or registration problems. You can also use BISP helpline number for it.


BISP Tehsil Offices across Pakistan, especially in Sindh and Punjab, provide essential support to low-income families. They help people access financial aid, educational stipends, and other resources for a better future.

By empowering families with educational opportunities and financial stability, BISP is working to reduce poverty and foster a more prosperous community in all regions of Pakistan.

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